Thursday, October 11, 2012


I had a chance to fellowship and pray with two of my best friends at youth group yesterday, and during that time, I thought about how wonderful my friends really are.  I used to think that friends were just people who you'd hang out with and talk, but it's become so much more than that for me.  I really realized how much I needed my friends to be able to cope with things.  For instance, when having family troubles, or I just need to get away, what do I do? I'll call my friends, it's a natural thing to do.  And I also realize how much trust I put in my friends' hands.  These two girls especially.  They know most everything about me, and I trust them to not tell anyone, and to keep my secrets safe.  I also know them well enough to know that they're there when I need prayer, a shoulder to hang on, or someone to talk to.  We're operating together in God, which makes things so much more fun and interesting.  I was able to talk to them, and we always have something to say such as "God did THIS in my life!" or "God is really showing me this!" and we're able to encourage each other.  This post is just to say how much I really do love these two dear friends of mine, and all my friends really :) Don't feel excluded!  You're included in this, too :)

Anyways, just food for thought.  Think about your friends and how you're impacting them.  Because you never know how it could change their lives, for the good or for the bad.


ME and my best friend,  Hannah G.

Me and my best friend, Kaila P

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