Saturday, October 20, 2012

Disneyland, River Song's Journal....

Hello all,

Well, Disneyland trip went fantastic.  My mom has been having severe foot problems lately, so I pushed her all day in a wheelchair.  That alone destroyed the palms of my hands; they were bruised and burned.  To add to that, my knees have been acting up lately, so I could barley walk the day after Disneyland.  Strangely, my feet swelled up quite huge, for no apparent reason.  So, to sum it up, the day after Disneyland, I couldn't walk or hold anything with my hands.  Naturally, I was quite bored.  I had watched the first Doctor Who episode with River Song, and I highly admired her journal.  I decided, since I had nothing else special to do, to make one.  It took all day, but I did it, and am quite proud of it!  There are some pictures below:


The finished project!!!!

So, that's that!  I followed these online directions, if you wanted to try it!



  1. sweet! looks like fun! and really awesome journal, they sell a replica on different sites, but the home made one was a really good idea! ima try it sometime

  2. That's so awesome! I wish I was that good at stuff like that...

  3. How did you make that, anyhow? I mean, I know that you have the links and everything, but... How did YOU (yes, the whovian you) do that? Cause its really incredible...

  4. @TheKidFromYesterday- Thanks! Yeah, I saw it on ThinkGeek and stuff, but it's just so dang expensive! :P

  5. @LeahBlais- Well, uh, just followed the directions!! Its hard to explain XD But the links really help :)
