Friday, December 27, 2013

My Story.

I'm Cari. I'm 18 years old, and I am deeply in love with Jesus. This is my story.

I am from a family of musicians and I love to sing. In November 2012 I took my talent to the next level when my best friend convinced me to put a video of myself singing on the infamous YouTube. Based on the response I got, I began recording myself singing covers of popular songs and uploading them to YouTube for my family and friends to enjoy, and continue to do so. My videos have over 34,000 views and my cover of "Heart Attack" by Demi Lovato skyrocketed immediately and has hit over 30,000 views.
Right around the age of thirteen, I began exploring the world more than I ever had. I had always been sheltered. So I decided that I really didn't need God; that I wanted to find out what the world had to offer. I sinned in different ways; lying, cheating, being rude, selfish and unforgiving. I disconnected myself from God. I sought love from guys around me, I threw myself at them hoping for love, or some sort of satisfaction in life. It only lasted a little while. I was wounded, and my heart hurt and felt as if it were torn in two. I would come home crying every night, asking God why no man could ever love me. Right when I needed friends the most, was when I felt most abandoned. I felt everyone loved "the other girls." No one liked scrawny ole me.

Then, the self-worth problems began to kick in.

Being exceptionally tall for my age, I have always been a bit heavier than others. I was always self-conscious about my weight, but after my heart had gone through so much pain, I just began condemning myself, hating everything about myself. I tried to loose weight, but because I am a fanatic for food, never could bring myself to do it.

Right around the time when I was at my lowest point, covered in a muck of dirty sin, I was hit with the question "If I died right now, would I go to heaven?" That question had come out of the blue. Answering it in my head, I freaked because the realization came to me that I didn't know. I had always called myself a Christian, and I had asked God into my heart when I was young. Since I grew up with a hardcore Christ-loving family, I kind of thought I was protected by this wall of Jesus saving power or something. I began, slowly but surely, to look at the sin I was wading in and ask God to remove it. I had to get rid of it. I no longer wanted it.

I never felt Him talking to me, I felt like He was ignoring me. But I pressed on Him. I was desperate for a second chance.

In November of 2012, my youth group had a youth conference. It was titled "The Glorious Truth" and we talked about how no matter what, God is always there. I mostly tuned out, until the last night of the conference. I felt something was dwelling in the room, and I couldn't figure out what it was. Suddenly, it hit me. Jesus was in the room. As soon as I realized that, an explosion of Himself blew throughout the room. I began to cry, harder than I had ever cried. I finally felt what it was like to have Jesus hold me and tell me that He had removed my pain, my burdens. It is the best feeling in the world.

I had let go.

Since then, I've been growing in small ways, I think. The certainty I felt that God was there has drifted in and out of my life. I've had days when I know His arms were around me and that He'd never let me go. I've had other days when I felt so alone, like I didn't have a friend in the world. When the tears just don't stop. When the lies and words of crap are filling my head. When I just want to die. But it's in those moments, I have to tell myself: you're not alone. You are NEVER alone. He is always there.

But hey. I still feel fat. I still feel worthless. I still feel unwanted, unloved and unappreciated.
But those thoughts and feelings should not overcome me.
I am strong in Him who created me, and gives me strength.

So, if anything, let my story be an encouragement to you that you are not the only one.

Everything you think is a huge deal in your life, someone else is going through it right now. You are not alone.
God, for sure, has you in His hand. And you can believe that He's got a plan.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Oh boy. Here we go again.


Long time no post!! Yes, I know.  Life has been crazy, as it is for any 18 year old.  But that's ok.
So, what have I been up to?
Recently, I got back into YouTube and creating videos.  I kinda went through a phase where I really wasn't inspired to make anything.  But suddenly, one day I just got this kick and now here I am.  I've been creating for the past week, and it feels wonderful to get back in the game!
Um, lets see.  The rest of life has been fair.  I kinda call this period of my life the "limbo area."  Nothing is super fantastic, but nothing is really horrible either.  I'm in a transition phase.
By transition, I mean I'm trying to update.  I'm saving money for a new computer system, and video editing/audio editing equipment.  I'm really needing this update, and I believe God has it in store for me!

OK, little post.  Just wanted to update! :)


Monday, September 30, 2013

Friends...and other things.

I have amazing friends.

You know why?  Because I just do.  And I know it.

A friend is someone who never leaves you.  Who you can trust, enjoy, talk to, love and someone who loves you back.  Each one of my friends fit these qualities.  And I love them for it.

Friends may come, and friends may go.  But even in the roughest of times, the true ones are always by your side; no matter what the circumstances.  Recent happenings in my life have turned upside down to the point where I find myself questioning who my friends are.  But I know that the true friends are the ones who will fight to keep my friendship and stay with me to the end, no matter if I'm straying away or staying true to my friends.
Recently, I've been tested to the point where I wonder if I'm being a good friend at all.  If I'm not keeping up my end of the friendship, or if I'm relying on a friend too much so that I let them do all the work.
Being friends with me is tough.  I am a tough person to work with, so to speak.  I am manipulative, can be harsh and straight forward, and occasionally complaining or rude.  My true friends know this.  But my true friends also know that theres more to me than that.  They love me for me.  And I'm grateful.
I'm finding more and more each day how hard it is to have a relationship with someone.  Not a romantic relationship, just a normal plain-old relationship.  It's tough.  Guess what?  Your friends will let you down.  They'll abandon you, and sometimes they just won't fight for your friendship.  I have friends even now who are doing this to me.  But that's ok.  I'm learning this more and more.  That it's ok when your friends fall.  Because they will.  And wether you are able to help them up or not, it's your choice.  Are you gonna live selflessly and move on?  Or will you be so expectant on your friend, that when they fail, you leave?

This was just a random post on how I've been feeling lately.  Feel free to comment your thoughts!


Monday, September 23, 2013

Catching up a bit..

Hello friends,

Well I am officially graduated!  This summer was a blast.  I turned 18 years old, got my drivers license and also got way closer to the Lord then I ever have been before.  He is so great and good to me.  I seriously can not keep talking about the amazing things God has been doing for me, and I know is going to do.
This year, God called me to leave the Agape Mime Team.  Man, it was so hard.  This would have been my 4th year on the team, and it's been such a blessing to be apart of an awesome ministry.  But, God hasn't stopped there.  He's called me into leadership with my youth group, Beastmode Youth, and I've come into the position of head of worship.  I lead a team of amazing worshippers and musicians, and it is so fun.  Doing what I love, while worshipping my God.  At first, I was scared when I was asked to be a leader.  I mean, I thought it meant talking in front of people (imagine that!) and other horridness things.  But, no.  It's so much simpler when you ask God to help.  I feel more equipped to do His work in this youth group because He is the ultimate giver of strength, and that's all I need.
Lets see...oh!  Want to know another awesome thing God has done for me? Provided me that job I was asking for.  I'm babysitting for an awesome mom, and it's really going great.
I'm not currently enrolled in any school classes this semester, but I'm still continuing in my busy schedule!  Piano lessons are great, I'm trying hard to improve even more and learn new things.  I'm trying to write music to eventually produce an album, but we'll see what God wants to do with that.

OK, so that's a bit of an update on me.


Starting point.

OK, here goes!

I'm beginning today.  September 23rd, 2013.  Starting a new lifestyle, healthy.  Here are the stats as of today:

Weight:  181 lbs.
Goal weight:  140 lbs


My goal is to be the best I can be!  I know I can do this, because it's God who gives me strength.
I'll be posting my meals and stuff on the Fitness Progress page!


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Being Me.

Hello fancy followers! {and if you're not following me, follow me!  It's fun:)}

I wanted to ramble about something that's been on my mind recently.  I've been looking at what makes some of the famous people on YouTube.. famous.  YouTube is such an opener of doors these days; anyone can see you, anyone can notice and like or dislike what you do.  It's kind of scary when I sit down and really think about it.  A homeless man looking for a pretty girl to stare at could watch me on his local library computer or vice verses; some of my favorite YouTubers like Alex Goot or Christina Grimmie could watch me and email me wanting to do a duet with me.  Anyways, it's a double whammy; the good and the bad.  I've been researching what makes these YouTubers so famous.  What makes their videos get over 1,000,000 views each time?  Then I figured it out:

They are themselves.

It's so simple, and yet so complicated!  They don't try and copy what other YouTubers do, they don't act like someone else; they're simply themselves.  They do what THEY as an individual likes to do in videos.  And that makes them stand out.

Back to the title of this blog post.  Throughout my life I've always been uncomfortable with me.  With myself, my personality, my looks; I didn't like me.  When I was 13 I tried to become someone else by taking someone who I considered a role model to me and copied them.  I copied everything they did.  I covered up who I was/am made to be with the desire to become someone else.

God's really been showing me that I'm more than what I told myself I was.  That I am not that person I wanted to be like.  That I'm not just some girl who has nothing to show for herself.  That I am worth something.

So for this past year (2012), I've been searching myself out.  Trying to find the personality that I had hidden from the world so long ago.  Trying to uncover the thoughts  desires, and character that God originated for me and me only.  And the hardest thing through this process is that I constantly have to tell myself that God has a reason for giving me the personality I have.  I get so bugged when I act a certain way and think "well that was dumb.  Everyone must think that was stupid."

But the thing is?  My closest friends love me.  And so does the God who created me.  So why do I need to be different on YouTube just to fit into that world?  If it's God's will I'll be able to show my talent to the world soon enough...but I think He's waiting for me to develop the relationship with Him.  That way He has room to work His crazy ways. :)

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there.  Love you guys!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How great is our God.

Hello friends and family!

Long time since I last posted on my blog, and a lot has been happening in my life at the present moment!
Well, for one thing, I applied for my first job two weeks ago.  It was one of the most terrifying things I had ever done, let me tell you that.  I applied at Chick-Fil-A in Ventura.  It was a great interview, and less scary than I had made myself believe.  I didn't get the job, but it's OK because I know God must have something greater in store for me.
Also, I took my written test for a permit, and I passed!  It was (and is) a great thrill for me, being able to drive.  There is so much freedom, and yet so much more responsibility!  I feel...older, in a sense.  Job interviews, driving, turning 18 in four's all insane, really.  But, I suppose each person has to start somewhere.
I have had an opportunity that I believe God is calling me to do, and that is to apply for a summer job at Hartland Christian Camp this summer.  It would be very hard for me, leaving my friends and family for two months to go live and work at a camp, but I feel it will be good for me.  I am praying extensively about this, because I do not want to go unless it's totally God asking me to go.  The job I'm applying to do is to be on the food service staff; cleaning, serving tables, washing dishes, etc.  It's exciting, and a little scary at the same time, but I have a huge desire to do what I enjoy doing; serving and loving God. I ask for prayer from all of you as well, and if you could be doing that I'd really appreciate it!
I didn't get into Comic Con this year, sadly, but I'm assuming God doesn't want me to go this year.  He's helping me cope with the sad news!
I also just got back from my youth group's winter camp at Lake Hughes, CA.  It was an amazing experiance, and I couldn't have had a better time!  God is so good, and He really shows up when we ask Him to.  He worked through my youth pastor to speak words and prayers to me that encouraged, uplifted and excited me tremendously!  I am so much more in love with God since then!
One last note, my prayers go out to the Merrick family, who just lost their baby girl after battling three years of cancer.  Praying hard for their family!

Well, that's all for now :) Hope you are all well and happy!

With love,
Cari Frantz