Monday, September 30, 2013

Friends...and other things.

I have amazing friends.

You know why?  Because I just do.  And I know it.

A friend is someone who never leaves you.  Who you can trust, enjoy, talk to, love and someone who loves you back.  Each one of my friends fit these qualities.  And I love them for it.

Friends may come, and friends may go.  But even in the roughest of times, the true ones are always by your side; no matter what the circumstances.  Recent happenings in my life have turned upside down to the point where I find myself questioning who my friends are.  But I know that the true friends are the ones who will fight to keep my friendship and stay with me to the end, no matter if I'm straying away or staying true to my friends.
Recently, I've been tested to the point where I wonder if I'm being a good friend at all.  If I'm not keeping up my end of the friendship, or if I'm relying on a friend too much so that I let them do all the work.
Being friends with me is tough.  I am a tough person to work with, so to speak.  I am manipulative, can be harsh and straight forward, and occasionally complaining or rude.  My true friends know this.  But my true friends also know that theres more to me than that.  They love me for me.  And I'm grateful.
I'm finding more and more each day how hard it is to have a relationship with someone.  Not a romantic relationship, just a normal plain-old relationship.  It's tough.  Guess what?  Your friends will let you down.  They'll abandon you, and sometimes they just won't fight for your friendship.  I have friends even now who are doing this to me.  But that's ok.  I'm learning this more and more.  That it's ok when your friends fall.  Because they will.  And wether you are able to help them up or not, it's your choice.  Are you gonna live selflessly and move on?  Or will you be so expectant on your friend, that when they fail, you leave?

This was just a random post on how I've been feeling lately.  Feel free to comment your thoughts!


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