Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Oh boy. Here we go again.


Long time no post!! Yes, I know.  Life has been crazy, as it is for any 18 year old.  But that's ok.
So, what have I been up to?
Recently, I got back into YouTube and creating videos.  I kinda went through a phase where I really wasn't inspired to make anything.  But suddenly, one day I just got this kick and now here I am.  I've been creating for the past week, and it feels wonderful to get back in the game!
Um, lets see.  The rest of life has been fair.  I kinda call this period of my life the "limbo area."  Nothing is super fantastic, but nothing is really horrible either.  I'm in a transition phase.
By transition, I mean I'm trying to update.  I'm saving money for a new computer system, and video editing/audio editing equipment.  I'm really needing this update, and I believe God has it in store for me!

OK, little post.  Just wanted to update! :)
