Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How great is our God.

Hello friends and family!

Long time since I last posted on my blog, and a lot has been happening in my life at the present moment!
Well, for one thing, I applied for my first job two weeks ago.  It was one of the most terrifying things I had ever done, let me tell you that.  I applied at Chick-Fil-A in Ventura.  It was a great interview, and less scary than I had made myself believe.  I didn't get the job, but it's OK because I know God must have something greater in store for me.
Also, I took my written test for a permit, and I passed!  It was (and is) a great thrill for me, being able to drive.  There is so much freedom, and yet so much more responsibility!  I feel...older, in a sense.  Job interviews, driving, turning 18 in four months..it's all insane, really.  But, I suppose each person has to start somewhere.
I have had an opportunity that I believe God is calling me to do, and that is to apply for a summer job at Hartland Christian Camp this summer.  It would be very hard for me, leaving my friends and family for two months to go live and work at a camp, but I feel it will be good for me.  I am praying extensively about this, because I do not want to go unless it's totally God asking me to go.  The job I'm applying to do is to be on the food service staff; cleaning, serving tables, washing dishes, etc.  It's exciting, and a little scary at the same time, but I have a huge desire to do what I enjoy doing; serving and loving God. I ask for prayer from all of you as well, and if you could be doing that I'd really appreciate it!
I didn't get into Comic Con this year, sadly, but I'm assuming God doesn't want me to go this year.  He's helping me cope with the sad news!
I also just got back from my youth group's winter camp at Lake Hughes, CA.  It was an amazing experiance, and I couldn't have had a better time!  God is so good, and He really shows up when we ask Him to.  He worked through my youth pastor to speak words and prayers to me that encouraged, uplifted and excited me tremendously!  I am so much more in love with God since then!
One last note, my prayers go out to the Merrick family, who just lost their baby girl after battling three years of cancer.  Praying hard for their family!

Well, that's all for now :) Hope you are all well and happy!

With love,
Cari Frantz